Dedicated to exposing the Federal Liberals for the thieving, scum sucking, opportunistic scoundrels they've morphed into

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Chretien and Corriveau -- fairweather friends?

Chuck Guite's testimony became public today. Among the many interesting tidbits was this assessment of Chretien's relationship with Jacques Corriveau.

Guite claimed that he was constantly being told to help out the Libranos such as Corriveau by steering huge contracts their way. Accused of exploiting a personal relationship with former prime minister Jean Chretien, Corriveau has denied the two were close.

During his testimony, Guite said that in 1994, then-public works minister David Dingwall told him a different story.

"If you ever meet someone in bed between Jean Chretien and his wife, it'll be Corriveau," recalling Dingwall's remarks. "His comment was, you'll look after him."

Somebody is lying. Gomery's job just keeps getting harder and harder.


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